Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 3 75 MILES!

All 3 bicycle boys completed 75 miles today! Praise the Lord for safety on the roads. Lee says there is no slowing the Mountain Goat. Sasha (aka Mongoose) had to be cautioned for riding too close to the vehicle lanes today despite a warning shout of "CAR" from the tour guide in the rear of the caravan. Sasha took the chastisement in the spirit in which it was intended (to keep him safe and bring him home to Mama!) and is duly minding the safety zone on the side of the road.

After an hour break for lunch the guys had a 600 feet descent (yeah!) and made great time covering the last 30 miles of the day. They averaged 12-14 mph in the afternoon and enjoyed beautiful scenery. They rode on I-90 for 2 miles because MT Rte 89 overlaps with I-90 on the way to Livingston. They sped up to 20 mph for those 2 miles (with a bit of a tail wind) and got off the interstate with smiles of accomplishment.

They have all had hot showers. The laundry is clean and dry, with their special cycling clothes hanging up all around the hotel room to air dry. They were heading to Pizza Hut for dinner followed by a good night's rest. Lee says they will sleep in tomorrow since they "only have to ride 35 miles tomorrow"!

75 Miles from White Sulphur Springs, MT to Livingston, MT
7:45 am to 3:30 pm, 54 degrees to start/85 degrees by lunchtime
65 degrees for afternoon after high cirrus clouds rolled in
Total elevation gained 500 feet (then back down 600 feet)
150 total miles to date

Thank you for your continued prayers. The Lord has kept His hand of protection over them and for that we are grateful. Tomorrow is to be rainy. This will be their first day of riding in inclement weather. Please keep them in your prayers! They are having a wonderful time together--enjoying God's creation, having guy time, and not shaving!