Friday, June 26, 2009

Day 16 Resting at the Owens' Ranch

Good food, good fellowship, and good rest.

Lee says that he and the boys have experienced all three while at the Owens' ranch today. The boys woke to a hearty breakfast and then they got to explore the ranch. Zhenya and Sasha each held the goats, watched the baby calves get their ear tags, rode the 4-wheelers, and helped Gavin and Race with their chores. Rita continued to serve great food throughout the day. Bret told me that the boys even got to play a video game or two. They haven't held a game control for some time!

Thank you to the entire Owens family for sharing your day with the guys and opening your home to them. We appreciate the TLC you give them as they prepare for the next leg of their journey!

Tomorrow begins the final third of the trip. There are only 8 days left on the road, with 7 of those pedaling days. They head to Twin Bridges, MT in the morning. Please pray for stamina to finish the course set before them, for continued good health, and favorable road and weather conditions. Thank you!