Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 14 West Yellowstone to Bozeman

Lee with Pete and Carla Neilsen

Today marked the most miles the guys rode in one day so far, finishing at 83 miles. It was another perfect, beautiful, sunny, blue sky Montana day. It felt a little chilly so the boys put on sweatshirts to start out. After only 2/10 of a mile Zhenya stopped to put on more warm clothing, Sasha was shivering and added more layers, and Lee put on his cold weather gear, too. Lee asked Zhenya to check the thermometer. To Zhenya's surprise it only read 46 degrees!

They had a 500 foot climb leaving West Yellowstone toward a 7,000 ft. pass that took them into the Gallatin Valley. The next 40 miles was mostly downhill, into headwinds. At this point the guys are convinced that they could put their bikes in a garage with the door shut and they would still have a headwind! The Gallatin River is beautiful. Lee says that it is begging to be canoed or kayaked. They spent an hour putting their feet in the river to cool off. Zhenya actually got in up to his neck!

At the 48 mile point Lee and the boys stopped at a gas station for a snack. Lee noticed a vehicle with a South Dakota license plate. He thought he recognized the profile of the man with the vehicle..... and that was because he knew the man! It was none other than Pete & Carla Neilsen and their daughters, Reagan and Randi. We were stationed together in Oklahoma almost 10 years ago. Small world, eh?

Road construction is still in season. There were 2 stretches today, both a mile long, and including pilot cars and rough gravel road. Lee's mirror suffered structural failure today due to road vibration! It lasted 13 days and a little over 600 miles. It seems like it should last a bit longer than that. The bikes are holding up well.
Mike McNeill and Sasha
The guys are staying with Mike and Shirley McNeill tonight. Mike was Lee's squadron commander when we were stationed in MT in the early '90s. This photo was taken shortly after arriving at the McNeills. Shirley started putting snacks out for the boys and the smiles grew even wider! All three "boys" are enjoying the hospitality offered by Mike and Shirley. Zhenya and Sasha like the McNeills new puppy, Riley, quite a bit, too. Thank you, Mike and Shirley, for opening your home to the guys!


83 miles from West Yellowstone to Bozeman

7:40 am to 4:30 pm, sunny and ??

Total elevation gain of 500 feet, 7,000 ft pass, finishing elevation 5,000 feet

630 total miles to date

Tomorrow is a "short" day of approximately 40 miles. The guys are going to McAllister and will spend tomorrow and the next day with Bret and Rita Owens and their family on their ranch. Spending a day of rest on the ranch is a highlight for Zhenya and Sasha! Thank you for your continued prayer coverage for the adventurists!